Wednesday, November 27, 2013

RED SOX : News & Notes November 28,2013.

RED SOX : News & Notes
November 28,2013.

~ More Taxpayer Plans: The Washington Nationals would like to have a roof over their almost new 41,000 seat stadium in Southeast,D.C. Of course they want the taxpayers of D.C. to cover the projected $ 300 million cost. The Nationals have apparently contacted Mayor Vincent Gray's office to propose the idea. Their pleas will probably fall on deaf ears. The mayor has his hands full with another stadium proposal, this one from theD.C.United soccer club.

~ Hall of Fame Ballot 'SOLD' ! : is at it again. They have convinced a BBWAA voter to sell his/her ballot for this years Hall of Fame voting. That person will submit the top ten names that are chosen by fans on the site. The voter promises to identify themselves after the ballot is cast. Deadspin claims it is, "making a stand against the idea that a somewhat random subsection of the baseball press should maintain the power to confer what is, regrettably, the game's most prestigious honor." No news as to if the BBWAA will invalidate this ballot if the person becomes identified. 

~ Koji thinks beards are 'Nasty' : In the closing credits of the Red Sox 2013 season DVD, players were asked to rate and rank the best playoff beards on the team. When it was his turn to answer the question Koji Uehara said, "I think it's just nasty to grow a beard that long." Koji was clean-shaven all season.

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