Sunday, November 17, 2013


Alex Rodriguez was too ill on Friday to be interviewed by MLB officials at the Players'Association's New York offices.

Rodriguez was to be interviewed,in advance of testifying at his 'Arbitration Hearing' which is scheduled to resume tomorrow.Baseball's arbitration process is covered by the C.B.A. and allows MLB to question Rodriguez about the Biogenesis case. 

This meeting was originally scheduled for July 12th,but when MLB investigators met with Rodriguez in Tampa,he did not say a word.

Meanwhile,Rodriguez's appeal of the 211 game suspension is set to resume tomorrow.The attorneys for A-Rod are trying to convince chief arbitrator Fredric Horowitz to overturn the suspension.

His lawyers are out to prove two things.

1) That Rodriguez is more creditable than Anthony Bosch the founder of Biogenesis and..
2) that MLB used 'shady tactics' in it's investigation of Rodriguez.
The witness list for Rodriguez includes MLB investigators.

The 'shady tactics' was the way MLB obtained it evidence.

At the center of the matter are documents that MLB purchased from former Biogenesis employee Gary Jones for $125,000.These documents were allegedly 'stolen' from the car of Biogenesis 'whistle blower' Porter Fischer while he was at a Florida tanning salon with Gary Jones.Police in Boca Raton,Florida are investigating.

MLB has repeatedly claimed that it had no knowledge the files where stolen,but a report on  Friday by ESPN's "Outside the Lines" reported that MLB had been warned the documents were likely stolen by the Florida Department of Health.

Jordan Siev a attorney for Rodriguez said in a statement,"The ESPN report confirms what Mr.Rodriguez alleged in his lawsuit against MLB and commissioner Selig over a month ago - that MLB investigators knowingly purchased stolen documents in their quest to allow commissioner Selig to act,for the first time,as if he was tough on PED use in baseball despite striking a cooperation deal with Anthony Bosch,who MLB knows is under federal investigation for providing steroids to minors.MLB may believe that its investigations trump state and federal laws which they have broken,and a Department of Health investigation which they have impeded,but we suspect the club owners who pay the salaries of the MLB officials and the parents of the children who allegedly got steroids would disagree."

MLB responded to ESPN also with a statement,"The truth continues to be that we did not knowingly purchase stolen documents and there is a active police investigation to determine if the documents were in fact stolen."

The Florida Department of Health was able to complete is investigation.Anthony Bosch was fined $5,000. (later reduced to $3,000.) and agreed not to practice medicine by signing a 'cease-and-desist' letter."The Florida Department of Health was able to complete its investigation and took the appropriate action allowed by law against Mr.Bosch," communications director Nathan Dunn of the Florida Department of Health said in a statement.

So the 'soap opera' is scheduled to resume in New York tomorrow.Alex Rodriguez is supposed to be there but there is no indication yet if he will testify.

In the meantime - the New York Yankees have no idea how to proceed with this offseason since they don't know what their payroll is going to be yet for 2014.

Stay tuned !

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