Tuesday, November 19, 2013


RED SOX : News & Notes
November 19,2013.

~ Is trade possible for Jose Bautista ?: The Toronto Blue Jays are desperate this offseason to acquire two 'starting pitchers'.Could the Jays be willing to trade Jose Bautista.Bautista's name has been coming up for a couple of seasons in trade speculation as the Blue Jays really needed some pitching help.Rumor has it that the Jays did not want to break up Bautista and Edwin Encarnacion in the middle of the order.But after the disaster that was last season the Jays may want to 'right the ship' and Bautista might become available. 

~ Where are the fans ? Alex Rodriguez returned to New York today as the grievance hearing into his 211 game suspension resumed.Absent were his fans who during his previous appearances at the MLB offices on Park Avenue had cheered and displayed signs 'bashing' baseball commissioner Bud Selig.Rodriguez may testify this week but there is some hesitation for fear if he is found to be lying he may face a stiffer ban.

~ No three year contract for catching position: There are reports this morning that Carlos Ruiz re-signed with the Phillies because the Red Sox would not go for a three year contract.If this is true is possibly indicates that Ben Cherington has a two year plan to get Christian Vazquez ready for the 'big leagues'.

~ More 'A-Rod': Boca Raton police have confirmed they had reopened a investigation into the theft of documents related to the Alex Rodriguez case.Police spokeswoman Sandra Boonenberg said yesterday,"the investigation was reopened several weeks ago based on new information stemming from Rodriguez's lawsuit against MLB".She provided little further information saying,"detectives have a lot of leads that they're pursuing.Jordan Siev,Rodriguez's lawyer last week accused MLB "...of knowingly purchasing stolen documents.MLB has denied the accusation.

~ Free Agent Signing: The San Francisco Giants have signed pitcher Tim Hudson to a two year $ 23 million contract.The agreement is conditional on Hudson passing a physical examination which was done yesterday.Hudson was 8-7 with a 3.97 ERA last season.He is 38.

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