Friday, December 6, 2013



A.J.Pierzynski has arrived in Boston as a 'bridge' to the next great Red Sox home grown catcher, Christian Vazquez or Blake Swihart.

Unfortunately, his reputation arrived fifteen minutes before Pierzynski did !

 Of the problems facing Ben Cherington this offseason, catching was never really one of them. Cherington knew after last season the immediate future of the position was a 'rent a player' for one or two years, until our prospects are ready for the majors.

A.J.Pierzynski fits the bill. If you look at the type of players Cherington successfully brought to the Red Sox last year, A.J. fits the mold. He is a proven veteran who has won elsewhere.

Pierzynski is a 'known agitator', despised by his rivals. More than 100 MLB players have rated him "the most hated player in the major leagues". Ozzie Guillen, his manager in Chicago said, "If you play against him, you hate him. If you play with him, you hate him a little less".

The Red Sox obviously believe the reputation is unfounded. 

In his just completed one year with the Texas Rangers, he was held in 'high regard' by his teammates. Ian Kinsler, who is now with Detroit said, "My perception of him hasn't really changed. I thought he was a player who wanted to win at all costs. He was a fiery guy. In that way, nothing has changed. But in my opinion, he's a guy I enjoy having on the club. This clubhouse, I think, is special. We learned how to accept people for what they are and what they bring to the table. And we all rag on one another,. Nobody is off limits. We all dish out what we can".

Sounds like the Boston Red Sox clubhouse last year.

There is a 'fine line' between playing the game 'Hard' and being a troublemaker. No one ever accused Pete Rose of being a troublemaker.

Aaron Rowand, a former teammate described Pierzynski this way, "You hit a ground ball, he'll step on your bat running down first base behind you. He'll give you an elbow at first base running down the line. He's just like that". 

Pierzynski does not come unknown to some Red Sox. He has played on the same team as Koji Uehara, David Ortiz and Jake Peavy. In fact he had a 'run-in' with Peavy in 2011 in the White Sox dugout tunnel. Apparently the argument was over 'pitch selection', according to Ozzie Guillen. Peavy's take was, "Like I said, boys will be boys. We are going to say stuff to each other at times that may not sit well with the other. Talk through it and get it straight. Like I said, I love A.J.Pierzynski to death. He competes his rear end off and has for many years. He won a World Series here. I would like to do that again with him".

'Pitch selection' is Pierzynski's specialty. This is definitely a area where the Red Sox have received a upgrade over 'Salty'. Also, Saltalamacchia had problems 'framing' pitches for the umpires. Jon Lester and Jake Peavey both had problems in this area. So much so for Lester, that people thought he was complaining about the umpires from his mannerisms, when in effect he was mad at 'Salty'.
By the end of the season he was being caught by David Ross.

Pierzynski has met with Red Sox management and knows what they expect of him. At 37 he has no reason to 'act up' in Boston. He will only be here for one or two years and in that time he could win another championship.

Pierzynski explained on WEEI how he decided on Boston, "It was not a easy decision. It was something that I went back and forth with for a long time. I had other offers, I had multiple-year offers on the table. One thing that led me to Boston was the fact that, 'Hey, it's not everyday you get a opportunity, one, to play for the Boston Red Sox, and then two, to play for the defending World Series champions.".

Pierzynski just went through the 'free agent' process to get just a one year deal and a $ 750,000 raise.
Apparently he knows where he stands.

A good move by Ben Cherington.
The bridge has been built.

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