Friday, March 28, 2014

Felix Doubront's frightening spring


March 28,2014.

c/o Jason Mastrodonato
      The Republican

FORT MYERS, Fla. -- On paper it can look like a frightening spring for Felix Doubront, the 26-year-old lefty who has ace-stuff but has lacked consistency and durability during his young career.

It started out so promising. In early December, he reported to an IMG training facility in Sarasota, Fla., and worked out there for seven weeks. His first two starts went as good as could be: He pitched six shutout innings, allowing just three hits while striking out six.

It was just like he said it would be. He looked stronger, like he said he was. He looked like a pitcher determined to put a halt on his annual September breakdown and pitch 200 innings, like he said he wanted to do.

His most recent two starts have told a different story.

Sunday was disastrous. The Rays knocked him around like a punching bag, landing hits in every direction. At one point he dropped a pitch mid-delivery and the ball began rolling toward third base, an action that resulted in a balk.

"It's spring training," he said afterward.


"Not really," he said.

Doubront's line over his last two starts: eight innings, 15 earned runs on 20 hits and five walks. He's struck out eight.

Red Sox manager John Farrell said he thought Doubront might be going through a period of dead arm, though Doubront insisted his body feels great, saying it's "better this year than last year at this point."

Discrepancy between the manager's judgement and the judgement of the pitcher is bound to happen sometimes, especially with a pitcher who was admittedly angry after losing his spot in the rotation during the playoffs last year and forced instead to pitch out of the bullpen.

The differing opinions and alarming hit totals could be a concern, except for one reason that Doubront already outlined: it's spring training.

Clay Buchholz had a spring training like this once, allowing 13 earned runs in 17 1/3 innings in 2010. As soon as the season started, he was almost unhittable, winning 17 games with a 2.33 ERA.

John Lackey never pitches well this time of year; his ERA has been 5.40 or higher in six of his last eight spring trainings.

Doubront thinks he worked out some kinks in his delivery that were hindering him during his previous start and isn't concerned with the results.

"My mechanics and my arm feels great," he said. "Just left the ball a little behind in the release point, tried to make that work. It's nothing to worry about, just keep working and be better next time."

Despite the crooked numbers Doubront is throwing up, Farrell saw some improvement on Sunday compared to Doubront's last start. But the skipper wants more fine-tuning before the season begins.

"A number of mislocated pitches, particularly where he was trying to go to arm-side," Farrell said. "He ended up pulling some balls back across to the plate. But I think, considering the way you evaluate his stuff last time out against the Yankees compared to today, improved. And I think he’s coming through that dead-arm period."

Better location. More consistency.

"Still, he's healthy," Farrell said.

Doubront is slated to be the team's No. 3 starter to begin the season. His first start is at Baltimore on April 3.

Spring training should be long forgotten by then.

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